Monday, November 1, 2010

News this November! :D

Hi guys, Boy11 here.
There are tons of news goin' on! :) Also I'm sorry by making long post of news from yesterday. Please understand I'm really busy. :)

So lets start first of all that William has a new video contest for you and the theme for this contest is Horror. Btw, he told to include a kite! ^^

Good luck! ;)

Second, we have our new Halloween video of the week made by Jessicawow! :D Enjoy! ;)

Then, we have our newest Citizenship items! =o There are so cool! :D

Finally but not least, our video - Guguzi Art made by Guguzi! =)

Isn't she very talented in drawing? =o

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Hiya! Please don't comment anything innopropriate ;) Only things that I have asked for feedback on, contests, or something positive. Thanks! :D