Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chobots next top model!

HiHi! :]
You've all heard of CNTM... right?
Well, its based upon Americas (Or anyother countries) Next Top Model.
Which is all about girls showing off thier glamourous, funky styles!
It is a bundle of fun, and I am a cantidate, yay! x]
Round 3 will be next week, and I can't wait to hear the topic! :D
For for information go to...

Wish me luck, and I'll keep you updated for if I stay in the contest or if I get kicked x]
Either way, it doesn't matter about winning or loosing it just matters if you have fun! :] ...Winning is just a yummy dessert added to the dinner (If that makes sense)!

SMIRK xxxxx

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