Monday, September 27, 2010

I got my rosette! :)

I have great news!
I got my red rosette, yesterday. For a contest on (pay a visit!).
I worked really hard, and then I got it, along with my mask that I recently saved up for.

This shows that if you try really hard, you get rewards!
If you don't try at all, well then, you don't get anything.
I hear Chobots saying "Ohhh... I never win contests!", that's okay! Not everyone does!
I have lost many contests, but you learn what you have done wrong, then you can look at
the winners to realise why they won, so you can improve.
Never stop trying! :)
P.S- also congrats to my co-blogger goldminer, who also tried really hard and won! :) You deserved it!

1 comment:

Hiya! Please don't comment anything innopropriate ;) Only things that I have asked for feedback on, contests, or something positive. Thanks! :D