Heey B-) How are you? So, anyway, loads of people have been asking me about the HQ, asking what it looks like and can I invite the there. Well... Here is what it looks like (:
(Click to enlarge)
Now, for the rules... 1. Only agents and mods are allowed in 2. Agents are only allowed to invite you in if every agent/mod inside agrees on it 3. On average, agents should invite no more that 1-3 non-agents in, 1 is necessary.
Heey! Here is my design for the 100 hamburgers inside magic, that makes you really fat! xD Or... The more professional term such as... 1. Obesese 2. Overweight 3. Expanded? Lol, here it is! What the actual magic does is cute and funny, haha! I sent it to Tina/Sap. If they have any news that it will be made a real item, I will be sure to let you know! :)
Hi guys! Here is a post, that I am sure you'd love to read! These are a few Chobots, that I believe should become agents!
Pizzaking7! He is very kind, and helpful. He really deserves agent status and is a great friend. Keep up the good work, mate!
Maddawg99! She is a GREAT friend! She is so kind, nice sweet and very helpful, she gives me a hand when I need it, and it very fashionable!
Tovictory! Once again, a lovely Chobot, a great friend, very helpful, kind and has a lovely nature. And of course, very funny xD! She is a Moderator on chobots.de, so shall we give her a chance on .com? I say so!
Girlyworlystar! A very nice chobot with great fashion sense, very nice and is always willing to give a helping hand if you need it!
These are all my recommendations! I hope you agree! If you think someone should become an agent, leave a comment, because YOU or your FRIEND may be on my next list.
Byeee! -Smirky Water
UPDATED- I removed 1 recommendation, sorry. I have had people say it's a bad idea, and I see why. But you are still a great friend! :D
Hello! Today, I want to discuss... Earning/Working for it! By this I mean, if there is something you really want to buy on Chobots, don't think... 'Urgh, it will be boring and I have better things to do on Chobots than earn money, it takes waaaaay too long!'. Don't think of it that way! Work for it! I'll tell you now, if you buy exchange, then buy a mask, you will be happy no doubt about it, but you would be so much happier if you knew you worked for it! Here is the mask I recently spent about 1 and 1/2 hours trying to get, and you know what? I have it now, and I feel so pleased! It took a while, but I set my mind to it, now I have it, and am completely satisfied! Thanks to all the friends that helped me at Nichos! :) I'm sure you will be very happy with yourself now too! I hope this gives you a good messege!
Heeeeey! I got a scroll! Yippity-Yi-Yay! :) I got it for winning the Angora Rabbit contest on blog.chobots.com It was really fun! I soooo want a Angora Rabbit, and I learnt heaps about them! There is my scroll! I am very happy to have it! When I found out 10:00 last night I'd won it, I did a major happy dance xD And 2 weeks citizenship was also a major bonus! Well, cya! -smirky water
Heey! :D Today I thought I'd post some stylish Chobots, I think I will do it weekly now, and it will always be 2 girls! ...And 2 boys! xD So, here are the 2 boys!
Heey (: We have some new agents, since the agents poll on the main blog has ended! There are 4 of them, and no lie... I wanted 5 people to become agents on Cho, and 4/5did! Yaaaaaaay! Well... Here they are!
There our new agents! Great work guys! Hope you have fun, with all the new benefits, and I assume you have bought your flame boots already xD For those who didn't quite make it, keep trying, you were so close, I hope everyone who go's for it reaches thier goal! ^^
Hello Cheeky Monkeys! :) Here is a cool picture that Artic288 showed me, this was the original idea for... You guessed it! Cho-Santa! Pretty cool, right!? :) Personally, I prefer the new Santa, but the are both really cute! Nice work, team!
Heerrrro! xD On Chobots today, I and some Cho friends discovered a Chobot called Wooda! As you can see, she is wearing a citizen dress and she is non-citizen. And also, she is 0! She didn't speak a word, and the top of her dress is blue and the lines are thinner, weird, huh? I am guessing that it is Hiki... Mainly because of behaviour, just a guess xD Well, I'll see you soon! BYEEEEEEE! -smirky water
Ello my little lovelys! I am sooo happy... because I got an A+ for a recent English oral... Yeah! Well... So... Moving on (: There are currently three cities in the login screen (below) I am pretty positive that this isn't permanent and is just for a few days until we get more people logging in at one time. See you later! :D -smirky water
Hello, guys! I made a new template for the blog, sorry I haven't been posting. I'll start posting about 4+ times a week :) Be sure to check out the blog as often as you can, and please follow if possible. And I may hire a new author. MAYBE. :) Byee! xx -smirky