Haii Gals! Congratulaions! To our new female agents! They are... Little98miss! Fuffley! And... Icey24635 Nice work gals, you all deserve it! Hopefull there will be a boys poll soon :D -mwah!!-
Hello! Well, clubpengi will no longer be an author here, because othewise she would have to post on 3 blogs. That's a heap! So I am hiring a new author! :D So it will be smirk and ---s blog! AND! IT MUST BE A GIRL xD Leave a comment with your name and a short messege Mwah!
Hiya Guys, smirk here! This is Pengi and my new Chobots blog! :D What do you think? We will post almost DAILY and we will post all news and gossip :) xoxo Smirk